
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Today's Language

This isn't related to any book or movie, it's just a plain ole' rant. People today! Have you ever had the misfortune to be in a discussion with someone who insists on speaking in 'text language' OUT LOUD? This has got to be one of the most obnoxious trends technology has brought about. Using these ridiculous abbreviations like 'Sups' [What's up?] 'Tots' [Totally] or 'lol' [Laugh out Loud] in actually text conversations is mildly understandable, though still irritating. But to use them in face to face conversations as if they were actually words? How lazy are people these days? Or do they somehow think chopping off letters from a recognized English word to make in grammatically incorrect makes them cool?
Whatever the case, these stupid, inane, asinine abbreviations are unforgivable, and use of them should be punishable by death. Anyone who is so pathetically lazy or verbally inept as to have to resort to text speak is obviously mentally impaired in some drastic fashion, and should be given immediate help or be put down for the betterment of society. There are many things we've lost over the years, and some are excusable, but text language should be something we are ashamed of.
For a full report on this, read the next edition of The Barque.

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